Updates of releases on the YouTube channel

As of today, 4 episodes of the podcast hosted by the Chairman of the Board of the NGO "Reformation", Vladyslav Kyrychenko, have already been posted on our YouTube channel. His guests were:
1. Valentyn Gladkikh - political scientist, PhD. The topics of the meetings covered the ideological orientations that currently dominate the Western world, democracy, meritocracy, political parties and the right to choose. You can watch the video via the link here and here.
2. Lesya Orobets - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 6th and 7th convocations, public figure, entrepreneur. The main topics of the broadcast were the war, the Maidan and Lubomyr Huzar. You can watch the conversation here.
3. Hennadiy Druzenko - President of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PDMSh). The conversation revolved around the issue of social elevators, PDMSh and the responsibility placed on citizens. Watch via the link.
We will be inviting even more speakers to the studio, so join in watching and discussing the current releases, and subscribe so you don't miss the next ones!