More than 11000 downloads of the application!

The application was launched only three weeks ago, and we already have more than 11,400 downloads!
Every day there are about 900 users on our website, and about 300 in the application. Such level of engagement indicates that we are on the right track, providing hundreds of soldiers and tactical medics with valuable information through the resource every day.
Our further plans include finalization and publication of the CMC course, translation and publication of Clinical Guidelines (CPG), completion of all forum features in the mobile application, and addressing technical issues :)
If you encounter any errors in the materials or issues with the website or application, please contact us at
And we will also be grateful for the financial support of the project!
You can do this at the link:
We believe that the application will help save even more lives!
The project is implemented jointly with AUMF - American Ukrainian Medical Foundation with the support of the All-Ukrainian Resuscitation Council