- Reformation
- Reports
- Annual report 2024
Annual report 2024
Dear members, benefactors, and friends of our organization!
We sincerely thank you for your support of Reformation in 2024! Thanks to your financial and informational assistance, we have been able to implement numerous projects for the benefit of our country. Your contributions and support are crucial for the development of our initiatives and the achievement of our shared goal—building a strong and conscious Ukraine. We are deeply grateful to each of you and are pleased to present the summary of our activities for 2024.
Below, we have outlined the key information about our projects and achievements of the year.
In collaboration with partners — Nash Format Publishing and the American-Ukrainian Medical Foundation — work has begun on the translation of:
- The PHTLS (Prehospital Trauma Life Support) manual, which is the global standard for prehospital trauma education.
- The ASSET (Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma) course for surgeons.
Also in 2024, as part of the tccc.org.ua project team, we translated the NATO protocols on tactical medicine (STANAG). The protocols are available on the tccc.org.ua website and in the mobile app of the same name.
From September 5th to 9th, the second KyivBookFest industry forum took place, co-organized by the NGO «Reformation». Our activities during the forum:
- Reformation organized 6 events related to the organization's activities.
- From the entrance to the forum, 1 013 123 hryvnias were collected, which were directed to the purchase of books for the libraries of five military educational institutions.
- As a result, we purchased 5 000 books and handed them over to five military universities - 1 000 books to each educational institution. The books were purchased from 33 publishing houses, several publishing houses also donated books.
In November-December 2024, we personally visited each educational institution to hand over books and communicate with their representatives.
In 2024, we continued fundraising for the translation, literary and scientific editing, proofreading and layout, design and printing of the three volumes of the book «Feynman Lectures on Physics» - a work based on the lectures of Richard Feynman, which he created in collaboration with Robert B. Leighton and Matthew Sands. To work on the first volume of this project, it is necessary to collect about 850 000 UAH.
Meanwhile, the translation of the 1-st volume has already been completed, we are working on the translation of volumes 2 and 3. Also this year, with the initiative and support of Biopharma Plasma and the Konstantin Yefimenko Charitable Foundation, a new project was launched - the translation of the iconic manual «Campbell Biology». This fundamental publication is the «gold standard» in the world of biological literature, recognized by students and scientists around the world for its in-depth coverage of biological processes and convenient learning structure. We expect the first volume of «Campbell Biology» already in 2026.
«Army Reads»
The goal of the program is to provide libraries of the Defense Forces units, military educational institutions and hospitals with up-to-date literature. In 2024:
- We delivered 8734 copies of books to 44 libraries.
- We purchased 3420 new books worth UAH 662 262, which are being actively distributed.
In total, since 2020, we have handed over more than 54 000 books to the Defense Forces under the Army Reads program.
«Statutes and manuals for the Armed Forces of Ukraine»
The program has been in place since 2022 and provides the military with the necessary methodological literature. In 2024:
- 17 681 copies of literature were distributed to 1 514 units.
- Combat regulations and manuals were printed in a total of 14 500 copies.
- The project of translation and printing of the manual «Analysis of Actions Taken» was implemented (3000 copies).
Since 2022, we have handed over more than 75 000 statutes and manuals to the Defense Forces.
In 2024, with the support of the NGO Reformation, 11 editions of worldview literature were published, namely:
Reformation received 300 copies of each edition for the program «Army Reads».
Kuznya Unizh is a center of Ukrainian format, located in the Ternopil region on the slopes of the Dniester Canyon. Its mission is to educate the economic, scientific, military, and political elite through joint work, communication, and interaction of young people with those who are a real example. Volunteering is a prerequisite for camping, which contributes to the development of the community.
In 2024, the following events took place in Kuznya Unizh:
- A Plast camp for 120 children, in which scouts from Canada, Great Britain and the USA took part. The camp was organized for children of servicemen and veterans.
- Three tent camps of the Odessa company «Expedition» for 240 children each.
- Two camps of the Kyiv branch of Plast: for 30 girls and 30 boys.
In November, we held a three-day session in Unizh and Khmeleva with the participation of leading Ukrainian scientists, teachers and graduate students. At the meeting, it was decided to start educational programs for gifted children. Details of the program will be announced later.
Public activities are an important component of our work, as they contribute to the dissemination of our values, raise public awareness of the key initiatives of our organization and help attract like-minded people and partners.
In 2024, we:
- Launched a series of podcasts on the Reformation YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@reformatua.
- Were guests of broadcasts on the "Dim" TV channel, Public Radio, and other media.
- Supported the charity online race named after Yevhen Khrapko.
- Participated in the competition for the Responsibility Award from the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation, and were included in the long list of nominees.
- Were guests at the «WE ARE BUILDING VICTORY» forum.
- Participated in the «Book Land» and «Land of Dreams» festivals.
- Were invited to the international congress on military medicine and mental health «Warrior: Life, Health, Combat Capability».
- Attended the presentation of the «Tactical Medicine Voices» information project.
- Participated in a forum on psychological support and rehabilitation of military personnel.
- Attended the presentation of the «Army+» application.
Our plans for 2025:
Together with our partners, we will continue to work in several directions:
- We will implement the ASSET project - a training course for surgeons - which we started working on in the fall of 2024.
- We will continue working on the PHTLS book (Prehospital Trauma Life Support). The project should be implemented in 2026.
- We will continue working on the tccc.org.ua website - we will fill it with materials from the ASSET course, and translations of the 2024 protocols.
We will continue to replenish the libraries of military educational institutions, hospitals, military units, and rehabilitation centers under «Army Reads» and «Statutes and Manuals for the Armed Forces» programs. In addition, we will continue to work on the «Feyman Lectures in Physics» and «Campbell Biology» projects.
This year we will focus more on the activities of Kuznya Unizh, in particular:
- We will hold a volunteer event for members and supporters of the organization in May 2025.
- We will organize leadership camps for children with the participation of prominent figures of our time.
- Together with the organizations Biopharma and Enamin, we will hold children's scientific camps in the direction of biology and chemistry.
A separate item in the plan for 2025 is the expansion of the Ukrainian Reformation Community and the establishment of communication with our members and supporters, so expect monthly reports, invitations to events, and subscribe to our pages where we will tell you more about the organization's activities.
Your contribution helps us move forward and implement important initiatives for the country. Together, we are creating a future where every action makes a difference. Thank you for your trust and support. May our joint efforts bring us closer to victory!