Електронні книги для ЗСУ

Battle statute of the artillery of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Part II. Division, battery, platoon
Battle statute of the artillery of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Part II. Division, battery, platoon

Збираємо кошти на видання "Бойового статуту артилерії сухопутних військ Збройних сил України. Частина ІІ (Дивізіон, батарея, взвод, гармата)". Статутом артилерії визначаються обов’язки артилерійських командирів (начальників) і штабів з підготовки підпорядкованих підрозділів до бойових дій та управління ними під час їх ведення.

Manual on the combat work of artillery fire units
Manual on the combat work of artillery fire units

We are collecting funds for the printing of the first 3,000 copies of the "Manual on the combat work of artillery fire units", which will be distributed free of charge among the military.



The Notepad of the mortar commander describes the content and procedure of the Mortar Commander's work on the organization and conduct of combat operations. Rules for handling mortar and ammunition at the firing position and safety measures are disclosed.

Temporary order "Issuance of operational (combat) documents" (Order 140)
Temporary order "Issuance of operational (combat) documents" (Order 140)

Temporary order "Issuance of operational (combat) documents" (Order 140) provided as a guide to ensure the use in military administrations, military units , and institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of conventional symbols used in the armed forces of NATO member countries for the purpose of depicting the tactical (operational) situation.

Бойовий Статут Сухопутних Військ ППО ЗСУ
Бойовий Статут Сухопутних Військ ППО ЗСУ

Battle Statute of Land Forces. Air Force of the Armed Forces determines the organizational principles of the activities of military units and units in the field of air defense in the Land Forces in the zone of military (combat) operations (conflict zone).

Visual Observation Post (VOP) and Air Observation Post (AOP): Information and Educational Materials
Visual Observation Post (VOP) and Air Observation Post (AOP): Information and Educational Materials

We continue to publish useful literature for the military.

Brochure "Visual Observation Post (VOP) and Air Observation Post (AOP): Information and Educational Materials" is a сa condensed edition containing basic and necessary materials for a soldier on duty.

Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit
Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit

Practical guide "Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit" reveals the best approaches to the treatment of servicemen with mild brain injury and/or concussion. 

Охорона психічного здоров'я в умовах війни
Охорона психічного здоров'я в умовах війни

"Combat and operational behavioral health" - is a book, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate in modern realities.

Textbook for the sergeant of anti-aircraft units of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces
Textbook for the sergeant of anti-aircraft units of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces

Підручник сержанта призначений для проведення планових занять і самостійної підготовки військовослужбовців військової служби за контрактом та курсантів зенітних підрозділів військ протиповітряної оборони Сухопутних військ Збройних сил України.


ГО Реформація за підтримки видавництва Наш Формат розпочинають збір коштів на підготовку до друку та друк бойових статутів для ЗСУ.


NGO Reformation, with the support of the Nash Format publishing house, is starting to collect funds for the preparation and printing of combat statutes for the Armed Forces.


Nash Format and NGO Reformation are starting to collect funds for the preparation and printing of the book-manual "THE MINI-MANUAL FOR THE URBAN DEFENDER" by John Spencer.

Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams
Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams

The russian-Ukrainian war is not a war for territory. This is a war for the existence of the Ukrainian nation. Victory will be ours! Many of our defenders are in the war for the first time and need basic tactical knowledge. Our Format and NGO Reformation are starting to collect funds for printing and printing of the guide book "Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams" by Christopher E. Larsen.

Emergency War Surgery
Emergency War Surgery Download
Charity contribution Books for the army