"ATLS. Emergency Medical Aid in Trauma" - For whom is this book?

Let's talk in more detail about the book "ATLS. Emergency medical aid in case of injury. Advanced Course from the American College of Surgeons (ACS)".
First of all, we must note which of the medical workers this book is suitable for.
The ATLS level is knowledge for people with a medical education. The book is also requested by many paramedics or combat medics who have completed medical training courses. Unfortunately, there are not many printed books, so we have to follow a certain priority. So, first of all, apply for the book if you are:
- Doctors of medical companies of armed forces brigades
- Doctors of military hospitals
- Doctors of trauma centers
- Emergency physicians
And we will adhere to this priority.
If you order the book for yourself or for one of your medical friends, please do so responsibly. A book which sits on a shelf unused will not save lives. ❤
But in any case, the materials are publicly available free of charge, so anyone can read the book!
ATLS can be downloaded free of charge in PDF on the website of our partners: https://gmka.org/uk/atls-usi-rozdily-pdf/
We also continue to distribute paper copies free of charge.
If you are a civilian doctor, you can get the book from the Global Medical Knowledge Alliance.
Books for military doctors are sent out by the Ukrainian Reformation Community, and you can order them via the link: https://format.ua/cart
Use responsibly!