We got «Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit» out of print

We got «Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit» out of print
We have great news!
We got «Mild traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation toolkit» out of print this week.
The book was published with the support of Checkbox and Nash Format publishing house.
A practical guide reveals the best approaches to treating military personnel with mild traumatic brain injury and/or concussion.
The book is published for free distribution among military doctors and military hospitals, as well as medical educational institutions.
The e-book can be downloaded from the publisher's website: https://nashformat.ua/.../ebook-legka-cherepno-mozkova...
Military doctors can order a paper copy for free here: https://format.ua/cart
Also, thank you for the support of AUMF - American Ukrainian Medical Foundation, which helps us implement medical projects!
Together to victory! ??
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