app is available for download!

From now on, is not only a website, but also a mobile application!
You can download it on the Play Market and Apple Store.
We started in May 2022 with an idea and a zoom-call with four people. Today our team includes 34 translators, few project coordinators, tactical medics, a translation coordinator, editors, programmers, dubbing actors, video editors, and a lawyer. And the site is visited by 700-900 people every day!
Gratitude to everyone who helps us grow!
Today you can see three full courses on our platforms:
- MP (Course for medical personnel),
- ASM (All Service Members Course),
- CLS (Combat LifeSaver Course).
We are finishing work on the largest course - CMC (Combat Medic Course). Work on the translation of the Clinical Guidelines is also ongoing.
Our goal is to translate all materials available on the Deployed Medicine website. And we have ambitious plans for the future, after the translation of these protocols will be completed. But everything happens in its own time)
Currently we need your help.
❕ If you notice any errors or inaccuracies in the application, on the website, or in the forum, please contact us at And we will also be grateful for the financial support for the project!
You can do this at the link:
Together to victory!
The project is implemented jointly with AUMF - American Ukrainian Medical Foundation with the support of the All-Ukrainian Resuscitation Council.